The Daylight Award is an international prize presented by the three sister foundations Villum Fonden and Velux Fonden in Denmark, and Velux Stiftung in Switzerland.
Every two years, the award is given as two personal prizes, and each to the sum of EUR 100,000.
The Daylight Award for Architecture is awarded to one or more architects or other professionals who have distinguished themselves by creating architecture or urban environments that showcase the unique use of daylight. Special emphasis will be put on architecture that considers the overall quality of life, its impact on human health, well-being and performance, and its value to society.
The Daylight Award for Research is awarded to individuals or smaller groups of scientists who have distinguished themselves as outstanding contributors to internationally recognised daylight research. It acknowledges highly original and influential advances in the areas of natural science, human science or social science, with special emphasis on the effects of daylight on human health, well-being and performance.
More information about the award and the current and past laureates can be found on the official website of the Daylight Award.
Daylight Award 2007 – 2014
Before 2016, the foundations awarded their own prizes.
The past Daylight Award of Velux Stiftung focused on architecture, featuring buildings in Switzerland which presented innovative solutions for the use of daylight. In collaboration with the Department of Architecture of the ETH Zurich and the Swiss Council of Architecture, the award promoted technical and architectural innovation to encourage developers, planers and specialists to consciously use light for increased quality of life and energy efficiency.
Independent experts of Swiss architecture nominated Swiss buildings not older than 10 years. In an exhibition, the projects were judged by a renowned jury. From 2012 onward, the jury visited the finalists and chose one winner and one or two honorary awards.