New narrative CV format

Image by Oli Lynch | pixabay

Starting with the next submission deadline in September, we ask applicants to provide a different format of their CV. The new narrative format allows to show how a variety of scientific outputs can contribute to creating change and impact. By concentrating on the key data, the new CV aims to avoid biases in research evaluation.

The introduction of a new format of CV was motivated by two aspirations: 1) Our commitment to bring forward broader research evaluation and increase transparency in our evaluation criteria and 2) Our aim to support candidates which have a clear vision of impact.

Avoiding journal-based metrics and bias

In the last ten years, research assessment evolved as to avoid biases in the evaluation of research outputs. One milestone in this evolution was the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) which has the intention to halt the practice of employing journal-based metrics for performance measurements of scientific output. Journal-based metrics, like the impact factor, lead to a distorted picture when used in the evaluation of scientific achievements. For instance, such metrics are not able to depict the initiated change of research projects. This year, Velux Stiftung became one of the current 23’000 signers of DORA committing to a broader research assessment. Now we join other funders in providing a template for a CV which discourages a lengthy list of publications and instead encourages the presentation of scientific work in a broader context.

Making the process of change and impact more visible

The CV is a crucial element in the evaluation of an applicant’s scientific and leadership competences. At the core of our new CV format is the description of three major achievements which can now be depicted with more context. A major achievement is defined as an individual’s most important contribution to research and its impact in or outside of academia. The narrative part of the new format allows to connect the dots and show how a variety of research outputs contribute on the path to impact. At Velux Stiftung, our mission is to focus on projects which transfer their discoveries to initiate change and create impact. The new narrative CV will thus help us in the identification of project teams which bring the experience and vision to join our mission. Of course, our external reviewers and members of the scientific committees will be briefed as to value the full variety of research outputs when assessing the scientific quality and suitability of the project leaders.

Our new format is adapted from the narrative CV template developed by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Their template has been positively received by researchers, and further developed based on researchers’ feedbacks. The September deadline will serve as a test for the foundation. Some adaptations might be done afterwards if needed.

The new, narrative CV template permits to unite two points which are highly important to Velux Stiftung. First it supports the identification of researchers who can foster change and create a positive impact. Second it contributes to a broader research evaluation in our selection procedure. We are looking forward to receiving applications from researchers who keep the whole path to impact in mind.