Lighten Up!

A fascinating exhibition dedicated to the alternation of day and night and its impact on life is currently showing at the EPFL Pavilions in Lausanne, Switzerland.
'Lighten Up! On Biology and Time' explores our relationship with this natural cycle through the lens of art and reminds us of the crucial role daylight plays for our health.

An art exhibition about the the rhythms of light and life

The exhibition ‘Lighten Up! On Biology and Time’ invites the visitor to reflect on their connection to daily, lunar, and seasonal rhythms and raises awareness of the necessity to stay in sync with the natural cycles orchestrated by daylight. Nineteen impressive and thought-provoking art installations can be experienced from 24 March to 30 July 2023 at EPFL Pavilions in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The shown artworks examine our connection to light and the crucial role of circadian rhythms. The exhibition allows to experience the power and beauty of daylight, sheds light onto the secrets of biological clocks and explores alternative representations of time. ‘Lighten Up!’ also reminds us about the importance of regular light exposure for a healthy life.

Daylight-related research has been a focus of Velux Stiftung since its beginning in 1980. In these 40 years, it has become increasingly clear that sunlight is not only a powerful and inexhaustible source of clean energy but also an extremely important factor for the health and well-being of any living organism. Yet, despite a great deal of research on the subject, the health benefits of daylight are still too often overlooked or ignored. For this reason, Velux Stiftung was pleased to provide support for the exhibition ‘Lighten Up! On Biology and Time’ as the foundation highly values the promotion of knowledge transfer.


Marilyne Andersen et al. | Siegrun Appelt with Constanze Müller | Kirell Benzi | Alan Bogana | James Carpenter | Rafael Gil Cordeiro | Olafur Eliasson | Colin Fournier | Andreas Horlitz | Ted Hunt | Liliane Lijn | Robin Meier Wiratunga with André Gwerder and Guy Amichay | Susan Morris | Anne Noble with Guy Warman | Anna Ridler | Helga Schmid | Anna Wirz-Justice et al.

The exhibition was curated by Prof. em. Anna Wirz-Justice, Centre for Chronobiology, Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel and Prof. Marilyne Andersen, Director of EPFL’s Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design, LIPID – two longstanding partners of the foundation, as well as Prof. Sarah Kenderdine, Director and lead-curator of EPFL Pavilions, and director of EPFL’s Laboratory for Experimental Museology, eM+ and Dr. Giulia Bini, Curator and head of EPFL-CDH AiR Program “Enter the Hyper-Scientific”, and produced by EPFL Pavilions.


Velux Stiftung | Swiss National Science Foundation | Loterie Romande | EPFL WISH Foundation