After Approval

Your application was
successful – what’s next?

Funding agreement

Within 1 to 2 months a funding contract will be signed.
Your project begins within 6 months.


  • Reports must be compliant with the application for the next instalment of the grant to be paid.
  • Reporting includes scientific and financial interim reports and final reports, respectively. Two years after the end of the project, the foundation will request an evaluation report.
  • Changes in the project plan or budget must be approved by the foundation in advance.
  • Templates for reports are available under Downloads.

Conditions of payment

  • The project must have its own account within the PI’s university or organization.
  • A maximum amount in CHF is confirmed in the funding contract.
  • The grant is paid out in several instalments.
  • Reports must be compliant with the application for the next instalment of the grant to be paid.
  • Changes in the project plan or budget must be approved by the foundation in advance.
  • 10% of the grant or a minimum of CHF 20,000 will be withheld until the final reports are approved.
  • For more details, check the funding agreement.

Intellectual property

  • Remains with applicant.
  • There are no consequences in the case of open use.
  • In the case of commercial use, repayment of the grant after cost deduction is possible.


  • The PI provides pictures that the foundation can use for its own communication and are free of third-party rights.
  • The foundation must be referred to as “Velux Stiftung”.
  • For logo and acknowledgment regulation, see Downloads.


  • Only Swiss law is applicable.
  • Only courts of Zurich are applicable.